Some hybridizing utilizing odd color forms of species previously disregarded for breeding by early hybridizers.

A red clone of a multiflora type. NOT A. multiflorum With a multitude of smaller deeper red flowers. Crosses with this clone has yielded darker red flowers in abundance at each branch tip. Unfortunately, this plant is somewhat sterile and yields fewer seedpods with viable seed within. More breeding work and investigations are necessary to keep this breeding program going. To date most of the best colored forms has been by chance selections from unknown seeds. A thorough undertsanding of each species and how they behave will eventually unlock the secrets in producing great hybrids.

: Adenium "Mike's White " and
Adenium "Peachy Pink "
The Home Page for Adenium Addiction
The beauty of Adeniums have intrigued all lovers of flowering plants for decades, but unfortunately very little information is available on culture, breeding and development of this species. It is my hopes to broaden the realm of adenium culture with insights into creating a most rewarding hobby and one where trial and error is replaced with firm, hard growing techniques and principles. Adeniums are basically tropical plants. While most literature state that they are desert plants, the best cultivation is achieved in a warm, sunny, year-around growing climate. This is why most of the best adenium cultivars originate in areas of tropical conditions (i.e. Hawaii, Florida,Thailand, and Taiwan). It is not to say that they can only be grown in warm tropical climates, but with special growing techniques and patience, one can grow them almost anywhere! This site will be divided into five basic parts. They are; Culture, Species, Propagation, Hybridization, and Gallery of Cultivars. References and links will be added as available.
A hybrid of Adenium somalense and possibly an A. obesum with a dominant splash characteristic that will be passed onto future crosses of lighter colored flowering plants.
1 komentar:
Mil...adeniumnya yg bonggol & arabicum juga bagus2 loh....pajang juga dunk...bahannya bisa km cari d www.siamadenium.com
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