Avatar: The Last Airbender (also known as Avatar: The Legend of Aang in several countries) is an Emmy nominated American animated television series that currently airs on the Nickelodeon television network. Set in an Asian-influenced world of martial arts and elemental magic, the series follows the adventures of the latest of a long line of Avatars, Aang, and his friends in their quest to save the world from the ruthless Fire Nation. The series is written in the form of a book series, with each episode serving as a "chapter" and each individual season as a "book."
Originally slated to begin airing November 2004, Avatar: The Last Airbender debuted on TV on February 21, 2005. The show is also available on DVD or for download at the iTunes Store and Xbox Live Marketplace.[1] Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko are the creators and executive producers of the series. The show receives high ratings in the Nicktoons lineup, even outside its intended 6-to-11-year-old demographic. Avatar: The Last Airbender is popular with both audiences and critics,[2] garnering 4.4 million viewers on its best-rated showing.[3]
The series' success prompted Nickelodeon to order a second season.[4] A third season is scheduled to air September 21, 2007[5], and the first volume's DVD release is scheduled for October 30, 2007.[6] Merchandise based on the series includes eight DVD sets of episodes, six-inch (15.34 cm) scale action figures, a trading card game, a video game, stuffed animals distributed by Paramount Parks, and two Lego sets.[7]
Avatar: The Last Airbender is co-created/produced by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko at Nickelodeon Animation Studios in Burbank, California. It is animated in South Korea. The first episode of Avatar was created six years following its original conception, a period much longer than the norm for animated shows.[8] While it was originally set to premiere in November 2004, the first episode of Avatar aired in February 2005. Following the conclusion of the first season of Avatar, Nickelodeon promptly ordered a second twenty-episode season that premiered on March 17, 2006, and concluded on December 1.[4]. The third season is scheduled to air on September 21, 2007[5]
Avatar: The Last Airbender takes place in a fantasy world, home to humans, fantastic animals, and supernatural spirits. Human civilization is divided into four nations, the Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, the Air Nomads, and the Fire Nation. Within each nation, an order of men and women called "Benders" have the ability to manipulate their native element. These Bending arts combine a certain style of martial arts and elemental mysticism. The Bending types are Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, and Airbending.[9]
In each generation, one person is capable of Bending all four elements; this is the Avatar, the spirit of the planet manifested in human form. When the Avatar dies, he or she is reincarnated into an unborn baby native in the next of the four nations in the Avatar Cycle, which parallels the seasons: winter for water, spring for earth, summer for fire, and autumn for air.[10] While legend holds that the Avatar must master the elements in order, starting with their native element, this can sometimes be compromised when the situation requires it. Learning to bend the element opposite one's native element is extremely difficult because opposing Bending arts are based on opposing fighting styles and doctrines.[11]
The Avatar possesses a unique power that resides within him or her, called the Avatar State. It is a defense mechanism that empowers the Avatar with the skills and knowledge of all the past Avatars. When the state is reached, the current Avatar will be able to wield the combined power of all past lives. When the Avatar enters this state, his or her eyes and mouth, and tattoos in the case of an Airbender, begin to glow. The glow is the representation of all the Avatar's previous incarnations focusing their energy through his or her body. However, if the Avatar is killed in the Avatar State, then the reincarnation cycle will be broken, and the Avatar will cease to exist.[12]
Through the ages, countless incarnations of the Avatar have served to keep the four nations in harmony and maintain world order.[9] The Avatar also serves as the bridge between the physical world and the Spirit World, home of the world's disembodied spirits.[13]
Plot synopsis
A century prior to the series' opening, Aang, a 12-year-old Airbender of the Air Nomads' Southern Air Temple, learned from the elder monks that he was the Avatar. Usually, the Avatar is told of his or her true identity after turning sixteen; however, the monks feared that a war between the four nations was on the horizon and that soon the Avatar would be required to maintain balance and order in the world. Shortly thereafter, the monks decreed that Aang would be separated from his guardian, Monk Gyatso, and sent to the Eastern Air Temple to complete his training.
Confused, frightened, and overwhelmed by these recent events and his new responsibilities as the Avatar, Aang fled from his home on his flying bison, Appa. While traveling over frigid southern ocean waters, a sudden storm caused Appa to plunge deep into the sea. Aang unconsciously entered the Avatar State, and used a combination of Airbending and Waterbending to protect Appa and himself. By creating an air bubble around them and then freezing it, Aang was able to ensure that he and Appa could breathe and be protected from the storm until it dissipated. However, the storm transferred the bubble very near the south pole and it could not thaw, forcing the two of them into a state of suspended animation.[10]
The series opens one hundred years later, with the Fire Nation on the brink of victory in its imperialist war. All of the Air Nomads have been destroyed. The Water Tribes are in crisis — the Southern Water Tribe's warriors have left to wage war, leaving their home defenseless, while the Northern Water Tribe, though largely intact, is continually on the defensive.[14] The vast Earth Kingdom is now the only true barrier to the Fire Nation's conquest, but as the Fire Nation continues to encroach on its borders and conquer its territories, hopes of victory grow bleaker with each passing year.
Two teenage siblings from the Southern Water Tribe — Katara, an inexperienced Waterbender, and her brother, Sokka, a warrior and caretaker of the tribe — discover and free Aang and Appa from the iceberg. Aang soon discovers to his horror that, during his absence, a century-long war has been waged. The very year he vanished, Fire Lord Sozin took advantage of both the Avatar's absence and the Firebending-enhancing powers of a passing comet to launch a war on the other nations.[15] To Aang's shock and disbelief, the Fire Nation's opening gambit had been a genocidal assault on the Air Nomads. The Air Temples were stormed and the Airbenders slaughtered in the Fire Nation's effort to break the Avatar Cycle, leaving Aang as the last known Airbender in existence.[10]
As the Avatar, Aang's duty is to restore harmony and peace to the four nations. Along with his newly discovered friends Katara and Sokka, his flying bison Appa and his winged lemur Momo, and later the blind Earthbender Toph, Aang travels the world to master all four elements. During his quest, he must constantly avoid being captured by the banished Prince Zuko and, later, Zuko's clevery deceptive and fiery sister, Princess Azula.
Although normally years of disciplined training are required to master a single Bending art, Aang must be a master of all four and defeat Fire Lord Ozai by summer's end, when the return of Sozin's Comet will give the Firebenders the power to win the war. If these events come to pass, not even the Avatar will possess the ability to restore balance to the world.[15]
Main characters
One of the Avatar series' strong points is character development and depth. All the main characters are portrayed as "marvelously flawed human beings," and the series shone in its initial season with the characterizations of its main antagonists.[16]
Aang (Mitchel Musso in the unaired pilot, Zach Tyler Eisen onwards) is the fun-loving, 12-year-old protagonist of the series (technically he is 112 years old). He is the current incarnation of the Avatar, the spirit of the planet manifested in human form. As the Avatar, Aang must master all four elements to bring peace to the world and restore the balance between the Four Nations.[17] Aang loves to travel the world and is always eager to learn new things. At times he is somewhat naïve of the world and others' true feelings, as he is often too preoccupied with the events immediately surrounding him to notice what occurs on a more in-depth level. |
Katara (Mae Whitman) is the 14-year-old sole remaining Waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe. Katara, along with her brother, Sokka, discovers Aang at the beginning of the series. She and Sokka accompany him on his quest to defeat the Fire Lord and bring peace to the war-torn nations. Katara is mature, loving, and responsible. Always looking out for the well-being of others, she is an apt leader when the situation calls for one.[18] However, she can be overbearing at times, and believes without exception that her way is the right way, never relenting on her views even when they are disproved.[19] Despite Katara's kind nature, she has a temper which, when combined with her impressive Waterbending skills and idealistic views, can be quite destructive. After the passing of their mother at the hands of the Fire Nation, Katara took on a motherly role over her older brother, Sokka, a nature that she later took to in relation to Aang. She is also the only person who can calm Aang down when he's in the Avatar State. |
Sokka (Jack DeSena) is a 15-year-old warrior of the Southern Water Tribe who, with his sister Katara, accompanies Aang on his quest to defeat the Fire Lord. Sokka describes himself as "meat-loving" and "sarcastic."[11] Unlike his companions, Sokka cannot Bend an element. However, the series frequently grants him opportunities to demonstrate his true gift: ingenuity. He takes great pride in his mental and physical strength, though it is often overshadowed by others' ability to Bend. He is extremely clever, relying on science where the mystical and martial arts elude him, though his silly and immature manner often causes others to underestimate his intellect. |
Toph Bei Fong (Jessie Flower) is a 12-year-old, blind Earthbender who leaves her wealthy lifestyle and home to join Aang on his quest in order to teach him earthbending. Toph has largely lived alone all her life due to over protective parents, which makes her somewhat selfish, sarcastic, and, at times, bitter and arrogant. She also does not hesitate to speak her mind and be bluntly truthful. Though blind, Toph "sees" with Earthbending, feeling vibrations in the ground that objects make when moving. She also can use this ability to tell if people are lying by feeling the vibrations of their heartbeat. She is one of the world's most accomplished and powerful Earthbenders, and can even bend metal- something no other Earthbender has ever done.[20] |
Zuko (Dante Basco) is the exiled 16-year-old prince of the Fire Nation. Zuko is obsessed with capturing the Avatar in his quest to restore his honor and redeem himself in the eyes of his father, Fire Lord Ozai. His character matures throughout the show, influenced by his time as an exile, and he becomes less of a spoiled prince and more of an emotional outcast, at times struggling with his feelings of pity and bonding with the same people his nation has terrorized. He often acts coldly, but has revealed himself to be a very caring character as well - a trait which most often is exhibited in the presence of his Uncle Iroh. Zuko's appearance is well-known due to the scar over his left eye, which he received during an Agni Kai with his own father. His regret, hate, and shame includes the loss of his mother. They (particularly his father) say his sister Azula was born lucky while Zuko was lucky to be born.[21] |
Azula (Grey DeLisle) is the 14-year-old princess of the Fire Nation, Zuko's sister, and Fire Lord Ozai's favorite child. Azula has been cruel and self-centered her entire life. Her mind is set on war and power; she manipulates and even tortures others to advance her own desires, ignoring family and emotional bonds whenever necessary. As a Firebending prodigy with a sadistic personality, Azula is a dangerous bender. She is one of only two benders shown who can bend and produce lightning. She sees others as expendable, and intimidates her lackeys and all those under her command.[12] |
Iroh (Mako in seasons 1 and 2, Greg Baldwin onwards) is a retired Fire Nation general and Prince Zuko's uncle. Iroh is the older brother of Fire Lord Ozai and was the original heir to the throne of the Fire Nation.[22] A powerful Firebender of great renown and respect, he looks upon Zuko as a son more than as a nephew, especially after the loss of his own son, Lu Ten. On the surface, Iroh is a cheerful and kind old man whose hobbies include drinking tea, playing Pai Sho, and singing. While studying the Water Tribes, Iroh found a method of re-routing electrical currents, either natural or artificial, and aside from Azula he is the only Firebender that is shown to be able to create lightning. Much older and more experienced than any of the other main characters, Iroh chooses to take a less active role in the affairs of the series, acting as more of a mentor and guide to Zuko and most everyone he meets, including Aang and company. |
Secondary characters
- Appa (Dee Bradley Baker) is Aang's Flying Bison who serves as the group's main form of transportation around the world. He was stuck in suspended animation with Aang for 100 years and shares a very strong bond with him. He possesses the ability to fly and can use his tail to create powerful gusts of air, as well as draw objects to him by inhaling deeply.
- Momo (Dee Bradley Baker) is an intelligent and curious Winged Lemur who travels around the world with the group as their pet. Momo also loves to eat and will eat as much as possible when a lot of food is available.
- Jet (Crawford Wilson) is a charismatic teen who holds a deep grudge against the Fire Nation. He was the leader of the Freedom Fighters, a group of teenagers who spent their days antagonizing Fire Nation soldiers. Later, he decided to start a new life in Ba Sing Se. Jet was brainwashed by Long Feng in his base under Lake Laogai.[23] Jet used Twin Tiger-Head hook swords as his weapons.
- Long Feng (Clancy Brown) is the intelligent and cunning Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se, head of the Dai Li, and advisor to the Earth King. In reality, the Earth King is merely a figurehead of Ba Sing Se's government, as it was actually Long Feng who held the real power, until Azula overthrew him.
- Mai (Cricket Leigh) is an impassive, bored, nearly emotionless 15 year old who, along with Ty Lee, accompanies Princess Azula on her quest to capture Zuko, Iroh, and the Avatar. Mai specializes in throwing weapons, which she conceals in many parts of her clothing. She has a crush on Zuko, which is her only known emotional concern.
- Fire Lord Ozai (Mark Hamill) is the ruthless ruler of the Fire Nation, father of Zuko and Azula, and younger brother of Iroh. He is leading his country in a century-long war against the other three nations to create an empire and awaits the arrival of Sozin's Comet so that the Fire Nation can utilize its Firebending-enhancing powers to win the war.
- Avatar Roku (James Garrett) was the Avatar before Aang, who was born to the Fire Nation. Throughout the series, Avatar Roku appears as a spiritual advisor to help Aang fulfill his duties as the Avatar.
- Suki (Jennie Kwan) is a fifteen year-old girl, the leader of the young female warriors of Kyoshi Island. She is a tough, skilled fighter, and staunch ally of Aang, Katara, and Sokka. Suki has a close relationship with Sokka.
- Ty Lee (Olivia Hack) is a fourteen year-old, cheerful and energetic young woman who, along with Mai, accompanies Princess Azula on her quest to capture Zuko, Iroh, and Aang. Ty Lee is a skilled acrobat who strikes pressure points to disable her opponents. She also exhibits a crush on Sokka.
- Admiral Zhao (Jason Isaacs) was a hot-tempered Fire Nation admiral in pursuit of the Avatar and Zuko's principal rival throughout Book One. He was killed by the Ocean Spirit after he tried to kill the Moon Spirit and cripple the Northern Water Tribe.
Cultural references
Avatar is notable for borrowing extensively from Asian art and mythology to create a fully realized fictional universe. Apart from its anime-inspired character designs, Avatar also draws on a mix of Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, Korean, Indian, and Tibetan philosophy, religion, language, clothing, martial arts, and culture. In addition, the show's Water Tribe is heavily influenced by Inuit culture. Explicitly stated influences include Chinese art and history, Japanese anime, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism,[24] and Yoga.[25] The production staff employs a cultural consultant, Edwin Zane, to review scripts.
The term "Avatar" comes from the Sanskrit word Avatāra, which means "descent." In Hindu mythology, gods often manifest themselves into Avatars to restore balance on earth after a period of great evil. The Chinese characters appearing above the word "Avatar" in the show's opening mean "the divine medium who has descended upon the mortal world."[26]
When Aang was a child, he unknowingly revealed that he was the Avatar when he chose four toys out of thousands. These four toys were the same ones that past Avatars had chosen for generations when they were children, revealing that Aang was the reincarnation of the Avatar. There is a similar test a child must pass in order to be recognized as the reincarnation of a Tulku Lama in Tibetan Buddhism. According to the book Magic and Mystery in Tibet by Alexandra David-Neel, "a number of objects such as rosaries, ritualistic implements, books, tea-cups, etc., are placed together, and the child must pick out those which belonged to the late tulku, thus showing that he recognizes the things which were his in his previous life."[27] Avatar's official site states "the successor is expected to show signs of continuity with the previous Avatar, such as being born within a week of the death."[9]
Avatar draws on four classical elements for its bending arts: Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. Although each has its own variation, almost all ancient philosophies incorporate these four elements in some way. They are commonly used as the basis of elemental magic in modern fiction. In the show’s opening, each element is accompanied by 2 Chinese characters—an ancient Chinese seal script character of the element on the left, along with a more modern Chinese character of the corresponding attribute on the right:
- Water (水) is associated with "" (Chinese: 善; Pinyin: shàn), which means "benevolent" or "adaptive."
- Earth (土) is associated with "" (Traditional Chinese: 強; Simplified Chinese: 强; Pinyin: qiáng), which means "strong."
- Fire (火) is associated with "" (Chinese: 烈; Pinyin: liè), which means "intense" or "ferocious."
- Air (气) is associated with "" (Chinese: 和; Pinyin: hé), which means "peaceful" or "harmonious".[28]
When read from right to left in the way Chinese characters used to be written, they form actual Chinese phrases—namely, the "benevolent water", the "strong earth", the "intense fire" and the "harmonious air".
Asian culture
Chinese characters done in traditional East Asian calligraphy styles are used for nearly all the writing that appears in Avatar. For each instance of calligraphy, an appropriate style is used, ranging from the seal script (more archaic) to the clerical script.[26] The show employs calligrapher Siu-Leung Lee as a consultant and translator.
Fighting styles
The fighting choreography of Avatar draws from martial arts, and the fighting styles and weaponry are based on Chinese martial arts, with each bending art corresponding to a certain real-world style or styles. The creators use Tai Chi for waterbending, Hung Gar for earthbending (although Toph employs a Chu Gar Southern Praying Mantis style),[29] Northern Shaolin for firebending, and Ba Gua for airbending.[9] The show employs Sifu Kisu of the Harmonious Fist Chinese Athletic Association as a martial arts consultant.[30]
Each fighting style was chosen to represent the element it projected:
- Tai chi creates flowing energy, and fluid movements to represent water, turning an opponent's force against them.
- Hung Gar was chosen for its firmly rooted stances, and powerful strikes to represent solid earth.
- Northern Shaolin, which has almost no defensive techniques, uses fast, aggressive attacks to mimic the power of fire.
- Ba Gua's erratic, circular movements were chosen to represent air's unpredictability and cyclical motion.
- Chu Gar Praying Mantis' distinguishing movements and unique footwork complement Toph's blindness to give her an anomalous style of Earthbending.[29][31]
The flow of chi is the engine behind the bending arts. Benders require chi to flow from the breath as form of energy derived from breathing and oxygenation, and then extend that energy past their body to manipulate or manifest their element. This chi is stored in the abdomen of the bender, known among martial artists as the Dantian. Different choices of directing energy are referred to different kinds of Jing (Traditional Chinese: 勁; Simplified Chinese: 劲; Pinyin: jìng), a system used to describe movements in sparring such as positive, or aggressive, negative, or defensive, and neutral, which is simply doing nothing.
The ability to bend stems from a compound of genetics and spirituality. As stated by the creators, all Air Nomads are benders as a result of their increased spirituality compared to other nations. Civilization reduces spirituality and thus every nation has a different percentage of benders.[32]
Asian film
Asian cinema had a profound effect on the utilization of the choreographed martial art bending moves. Avatar creators Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino stated the particular influence in a magazine interview:
"Asian cinema is really good at action comedy. Shaolin Soccer is one of our favorite movies. It has tons of fantastic action and lots of funny moments. Some of the effects provided inspiration for how bending moves might look on the show."[33]
While Avatar is not considered an anime because of its American origin, one review has commented that "Avatar blurs the line between anime and (US) domestic cartoons until it becomes irrelevant."[34] In addition, Avatar has many features of anime such as having a different color palette than other animated shows.[35]
However, Avatar creators Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino confirmed a particular anime influence in a magazine interview:
"The best anime balances great action sequences with humor and emotion, something we try to do on Avatar. We love all the films of Hayao Miyazaki, especially Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke. Both movies deal with spirituality and the environment in an entertaining way. Also, there's a lot of great animation."[36]
According to an interview with the artists involved in creating Avatar, Appa's design was based on the Catbus in My Neighbor Totoro, due to the peculiar task of creating a mammal with six legs.[37]
Avatar also draws inspiration from the anime works of Shinichiro Watanabe's Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo, as well as FLCL (Fooly Cooly) of Gainax. Other various studios from which inspiration was drawn include Studio 4°C, Production I.G., and Studio Ghibli.[38] Bryan has commented that some of his most cherished Watanabe fight scenes were the fight between Bebop's Spike Spiegel and a drug smuggler in "Asteroid Blues," as well as the duel between Mugen and a blind female Jojutsu-user in the Champloo episode "Elegy of Entrapment (Verse 2)." Avatar director Giancarlo Volpe also claims the staff "were all ordered to buy Fooly Cooly and watch every single episode of it."[39]
When the show debuted, it was rated the best animated television series in its demographic.[40] The show averages 1.1 million viewers on the Friday Night block of programming on Nickelodeon when new episodes premiere at 8:00 EST.[40] The one-hour special showing of Secret of the Fire Nation (consisting of the episodes "The Serpent's Pass" and "The Drill"), which was aired on September 15, 2006, gathered an audience of 4.1 million viewers. According to the Nielsen Media Research, the special was the best performing cable television show airing in that week.[41]
Nominations and awards
The following list shows the awards the show has been nominated for and won:
- Pulcinella Awards
- Won Best Action/Adventure Series (2005)[42]
- Won Best Series of the Year (2005)[43]
- Annie Awards
- Nominated Best Animated Television Production (2005)[44]
- Nominated for Writing in an Animated Television Production ("The Fortuneteller") (2005)[45]
- Won Storyboarding in an Animated Television Series ("The Deserter") (2005)[46]
- Yu Jae Myung won for Character Animation in a Television Production ("The Blind Bandit") (2006)[47]
- Giancarlo Volpe won for Directing in an Animated Television Production ("The Drill") (2006)[48]
- Genesis Awards
- Won Outstanding Children's Programming ("Appa's Lost Days") (2007)[49]
- Primetime Emmy Awards
- Nominated Outstanding Animated Program (for Programming Less Than One Hour) ("City of Walls and Secrets") (2007)[50]
Media information
Broadcast history
The show was first revealed to the public in a teaser reel at Comic-Con 2004.[51] It was scheduled to air on Nickelodeon on November 29 of that year, but was delayed until February 21 of 2005. The first two episodes of the series were shown together in a one-hour premiere event in the United States.
Promotion and merchandising
Avatar's success has led to promotions with Burger King and Upper Deck Entertainment, an Avatar-themed roller coaster that debuted on April 14, 2006, at Kings Island amusement park and a second to open in 2008 at The Park at MOA, and a special issue of Nick Mag Presents dedicated entirely to the show. Various members of the Avatar staff and cast appeared at the 2006 San Diego Comic-Con International convention, while co-creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko appeared as guests of honor with Martial Arts Consultant Sifu Kisu at the Pacific Media Expo on October 28, 2006. Avatar also has its own line of t-shirts, LEGO playsets, toys, a trading card game, a cine-manga, and a video game.
The Mattel-produced action figure toy line generated some controversy with its exclusion of any female characters. Whilst minor male characters (such as King Bumi) and forms of the main characters unseen in the program (such as 'Water Nation Aang') were included, significant female characters, most notably Katara, were missing because Mattel claimed they did not sell as well as male characters, leading to accusations of sexism.[52]
Feature film adaptation
On January 8, 2007, Paramount Pictures' MTV Films and Nick Movies announced that they have signed M. Night Shyamalan to write, direct and produce a trilogy of live-action films based on the series, the first of which will encompass the main characters' adventures of Book one.[53] The film is now in a dispute with James Cameron's film Avatar regarding title ownership.[54]
Avatar co-creators Mike DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko have come forward to voice their opinion within an interview regarding M. Night Shymalan writing, directing and producing the film. The two displayed much enthusiasm over Shyamalan's decision for the adaption, stating that they admire his work and he in turn respects their material. This newfound information dispels fears that the co-creators were going to be left completely out of the creative process as Paramount did not specify their level of contribution when initial announcements of the deal with Shyamalan came forward.[55]
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