Techniques to find strong / associated keywords
Search engines have their own internal language used for ranking aggregate search terms, acronyms or plural or associated terms. If you are looking for the most effective use of keywords for your meta tags such as your titles or descriptions in your web pages. Here is a quick and easy method to find strong secondary terms to augment your keyword density or variations to broaden the exposure of your search engine results.
In order to find associated terms use the ~ (tilde) sign before a word in a search engine to see other associated words in bold. For example let's use the term URL otherwise known as Uniform Resource Locator when you use Google. You will see the words that are highlighted are not just the term URL. So, the next time you want to find strong, relevant keywords that already have an inherent association with terms you wish to optimize, this is a great seo tip. How to determine if a keyword is worth pursuing? This is a continuation from a previous SEO Tip. "Find what your looking for with more relevant searches" located two SEO tips down on this page. Meticulous keyword analysis is a process that should proceed any strategic SEO campaign. The process of identifying and determining the right keywords to optimize your web pages for are what allow you to rank competitively for keywords and key phrases that receive high search volume in search engines. Ranking for specific terms is more of a science than wishful thinking. Through clearly defined methods, it is possible to research a term and rank in the top 10 results using tactical off page link building and website promotion strategies. Many of which you will find in this search engine optimization strategies section. *For example, when keywords are located in the title, description and header tags of a web page, then that means that those pages are directly competing for those keywords. Let's find out specifically how many pages are really competing for any given term using Google. 1. Open Google in a browser. After typing in "local seo company" at the time of this search the response was. Displaying Results 1 - 10 of about 2,980,000 2. Now, to see how many actual pages you have to compete with to rank competitively for your key phrase, scroll down to the bottom of the search page on Google and continue to click the last number on the right. until you reach the end of the pages. If it asks you to repeat the search with the omitted results included. do so and continue to click the last result to the right until you reach the end. See diagram below *Typically you will see 10 pages of results, so click the last number 10 in this instance and continue to do this until you reach the end of all the pages for that search term. After reviewing this tip, you will note that this term only had 20,600 pages competing directly (but after scrolling down and clicking the last result until we go to the end of the results) shows this term only has 162 pages on Google competing for the term. So, in this instance for the term "local seo company" The next page went to 16 and I clicked it. The number of total results for pages using this term was 162. Not bad compared to 2.9 million pages right? In a later tip, we can get into the ratio to determine the number of searches to the number of competitive pages to really arrive at strategic keyword SEO analysis. But we can't give away all of our techniques just yet. One added bonus to SEO is, when you optimize an abbreviated form of a word, you typically get the optimization for the long form. Optimize for SEO and you also are optimized for search engine optimization for example, or any part of the words that comprise the acronym. Based on the competition for the search term, if you want rankings across the board, then your back links will have to take this into consideration, but that is another SEO tip altogether. When to consider alternate key phrases... If there are more than 50,000 pages competing for a key phrase / term after you perform a search " in quotes", then you may wish to targeting another variation of the term or keyword. Think of it as the old one - two punch, first you get indexed, then after your website gets some traction in the search engines, you then change your content and meta tags to the desired (high traffic ) term, build more links and then wait for the page to be spidered again. Otherwise it's like trying to beat someone who started optimizing a term months or years ago with thousands of back links with anchor text for that term. As you ad 10 they add 20 and so on and so fourth, in which case, that may not be a winning battle, but a slightly different strategy for a hybrid key phrase could be yours alone to dominate if you beat others to the punch. So, the moral of this tactic is not to be deceived into thinking you could never rank for relevant keyword combinations, if you see less than 100,000,000 results for a keyword (without quotes), you shouldn't be intimidated with a PR4 site or above. A simple on page change to your tile and meta tags could land you in the top 10 alone, adding targeted back links to the mix , makes it a matter or time. The more specific the better, but even garnering traffic from a search term that receives 20-100 search queries / visitors a day, you can see how being in the top 10 can impact you traffic and conversion if 10-15 of those people (who are already looking for that product or service) just happened to grace your pages every day due to your digital real estate in the top 10. Do this with 10 pages on your website with each page optimized for 3-4 competitive key phrases, now all of a sudden you see spikes in traffic 150 - 200 unique visitors a day, who are searching for the very topic your pages are centered around. This is how to generate the right kind of website traffic which if harnessed properly with a list generation campaign, can become and invaluable and cost effective marketing strategy with your only cost being, the investment in time for the effective keyword research. The pay-off, tons of free traffic. Don't have the time? Let us handle it... Depending on the competition for that term, top 10 results can take anywhere from a few weeks and 20 to 30 back links to several months (and several hundred back links) to achieve the needed digital velocity to quantify the appropriate response from search engine algorithms. The link popularity gleaned from the sources that link to you, the age and page rank of those URL's, the anchor text they use in web page and how focused and concise your pages are determine what value they receive from search engines. Like most strategies in SEO, they are constantly evolving, synthesizing and arriving at systematic hybrids to keep up with the ever changing algorithms. But the very fabric of the web and basis of achieving top 10 results is ultimately links, links, links. No offense to little miss muffet, but In order to sow your online curds and whey, write a brief summary in an appropriate category on your website with targeted keywords about the products or services you offer. Somewhere in the body copy make sure that you include a link to your site in format, give it a great title and that's it. You title should be relevant considering it is how your visitors will find you, so be as specific as possibly using compelling yet brief optimal terms. Also make sure that you don't use duplicate content from your website, otherwise your pages could get swapped out in the view of the search engine and those pages could appear in place of YOUR site. In the case of two pages with the same content, the higher page rank site almost assuredly wins. High page rank site such as get indexed several times in a day, utilizing this method your site is generally crawled, spidered and indexed within 48 hours after the posting has made it's way to the top of the category. The on page content is not as important as the links, so don't overdo it or you could end up on a spam list and inevitably do more harm than good. We utilize this method for introducing new pages to a website. Creating a few fresh high page rank links works wonders and after a week, the piggyback advertisement disappears and all that remains is your site which typically gets the link juice from the boost.
For example go to Google and type in a keyword you are researching proceeded by the ~ (which is typically located at the top left series of buttons before the 1 on your keypad). Make sure you use shift to get the appropriate character.
We used the term ~url
The results for the search are here<
Other associated keywords for this term are also highlighted such as:
SEO Strategies | Keyword Analysis
Encase the keyword your researching inside of quotes for the sake of the demo, let's use a term we have already optimized for our business like "local seo company" for example.
Keep clicking the last result until you cannot go any further.
Care to see who is #1 for Local Seo Company in Google? What about the long form Local Search Engine Optimization Company <>
Want to know how to get your website indexed fast and free without using search engine submission software or the add url page in search engines?
"Need a way to get your website indexed quickly without using a submit url form or expensive automated software", try Placing a link on a high traffic website with a high page rank is one of the fastest ways to get your site listed in the major search engines (usually within 48-72 hours) There are a number of high traffic 1.0 and 2.0 website's that create the patterns online that invariably develop into fads, buzzwords, or marketing behemoth's (U-Tube, My Space, etc) and search engines know this and pay particular attention to website's with lots of unique visitors and colossal traffic. Instead of getting indexed every few weeks, they are visited from web spiders several times a day to take a new snapshot of the web for their site. If you happen to have a solid back link on such a site, then guess who's coming to dinner? probably a hungry spider.
It is important to remember that even if you utilize this method to expedite indexed or pull pages out of the supplemental index (after changing the title, description and on age content to something more unique). That a well devised link architecture is imperative for ensuring that your site is spidered completely to reflect any other changes you may have performed to your site. So this is not a solution to all problems, just another useful tool for search engine optimization.
this article was quoted from
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