
Senin, 24 September 2007

tips ho to atract men

One of the most important tips for seducing a man is try to make him curious. unlike women which do not like to be pushed too hard. man is the oposite of this To know more, read on the given below tips on how to seduce a man…
  1. mens usually like a pollite girl, so act nice and calm with him
  2. some times mens like agresive girls, but remember dont be too agresive.
  3. to make him courious you can ask him a question, then when he ask why.. don't answer him..
  4. some times when the girls who admire him gone, he will try to look for her.
  5. maybe this one is relatve, for me, if the girl get angry without any reason, i will try to contact her, or i will ask her why she get angry. so you can have a time together
may be thats a small tips from me, remember, this is relative,,
good luck

1 komentar:

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